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Let Google handle your forum SEO

Some people obsess about their SEO efforts to the point they are taking time away from their forum to try to improve their rankings. Without a doubt, some SEO efforts are very helpful for making your forum more search engine friendly (site map, anchor text, meta tags, etc). Where should you draw the line?

Google makes it very clear that their interest is in the user's experience on your site. If people using Google were continually shown bad search results they would eventually stop using Google. Trust that Google's investment in content relevancy is greater than your own. The best thing you can do as a forum admin is to make sure your forum is continuously producing unique and quality content (you've heard it before and you'll hear it again, content is and will always be King). Then, let Google handle the rest.

Put in your relevant keywords into your meta tags and don't try to game the system for your big keywords that aren't on topic with that page. By keeping things relevant, Google will value your page to the best of its ability, which can be assumed is better than your way of trying to game the system.

As your forum continues to generate unique and useful content, more and more people will link to your discussions, insights, and debates. What is happening is your forum is actually becoming a useful website to visit. Users will stay longer, view more pages, and more websites will link to you. Google doesn't need any help knowing your site is important after you have this, they'll already figure it because they're Google, and content is their world.

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Link & description: Let Google handle your forum SEO - Some things are better left to the professionals. Why you should let Google do what Google does best.

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